Air handling solutions for bulk goods
Process air dryers for bulk good handling
Storage, transportation and generation of hygroscopic powders
When storing, transporting and producing hygroscopic powders, there is a risk in every processing step that the quality of the respective products will be impaired or damaged by ambient humidity or that their transport and storage properties will be negatively influenced.
For example, the aging of cement can be attributed to a reaction of the cement with water, e.g. due to diffusion processes through the packaging layer. Aging can already take place during production and later during storage of the cement and has a significant impact on the physical, chemical and mechanical properties.

Additives used in construction chemicals can also become less effective due to the aging of cement. The hydration of individual layers or areas caused by the water prevents or reduces the homogeneous binding capacity of the aged building material and can render it unusable.
By controlling and regulating, i.e. dehumidifying the often too high humidity of the ambient air at the storage location, the optimal operating conditions for each process step can be set at any time.
Our solutions for process air drying
Contact ULT Dry-Tec GmbH
We will gladly provide you with additional information on the air drying system. Furthermore, we can configure your individual solution if required. You are welcome to contact us:
Fume extraction and dust collection for bulk handling
Bulk grades can be found in numerous industrial segments. These primarily include building materials, e.g. sand, cement or gravel, but also raw materials such as ores, coal, salt or clay.
These can also be found in the area of food and beverages in the form of cereals, coffee, soluble drinks, sugar and flour.
Ultimately, almost all powdery substances, including granules, fillers or other free-flowing substances, belong to the bulk goods.
The physical properties of the respective bulk goods have an influence on their processing or processing. Uncontrolled spreading of fine and very fine particles can occur, especially during decanting, dosing and mixing processes. These can spread in production halls, contaminate production or processing equipment and ultimately have a significant impact on the health of employees
We offer a wide range of extraction and filter systems for bulk material handling. Above all, the wide range of dust collectors - from mobile and flexible to stationary and powerful - helps you to comply with the relevant occupational safety guidelines optimally and economically. And if there is no standard system for your requirements, we will adapt an optimal extraction solution for you on the basis of existing turnkey systems.

Ventilation solutions and dust collectors
Contact ULT AG
We will gladly provide you with additional information on our extraction and filtration systems. Furthermore, we can configure your individual solution if required. You are welcome to contact us: