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  1. Home
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  3. Contacts at ULT
Your contact to ULT AG

Contact persons

Sales national

Fume extraction technology

Marko Höher

Head of sales & service ULT

Sales Manager national/export
Sales Manager national/export
Sales national/international

Process air drying

Frank Schimmelmann

Managing director/sales ULT Dry-Tec GmbH

Portrait Frank Schimmelmann
Portrait Frank Schimmelmann
International Sales

Fume extraction technology

Daniela Nitsche

Manager International Sales ULT

Woman with blouson, blue scarf and glasses smiles while sitting
Woman with blouson, blue scarf and glasses smiles while sitting

HR department

Diana Wenke

Team leader Human Resources with ULT AG

Contact for resumes and job opportunities with ULT AG
Contact for resumes and job opportunities with ULT AG

Corporate communication

Stefan Meissner

Corporate Communications ULT

Head Corporate Communications/Marketing
Head Corporate Communications/Marketing
We will be pleased to support you!

Your way to contact us

If you have any questions about ULT or if we have raised your interest in our air handling solutions, you are welcome to contact us. We are looking forward to your message.

+49 3585 4128 0ult@ult.deContact form

Our business hours: Monday to Thursday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM.